What will a Day of On-Site (At School) Learning Look Like for Secondary Students?
At Home: Do a Wellness Scan
- Fever or chills. Every morning, take his or her temperature. If it's 100.2 or higher, your child must stay home.
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
Feeling OK? Is it a scheduled day to go to school? Grab the laptop and get to the bus stop!
Riding the Bus
Follow the rules at the bus stop and be there 15 minutes early.
Wear your masks and stay six feet apart.
Seating will be assigned by bus stop. Your child will sit with people from their bus stop.
Seating will be arranged from back to front to maintain distancing as people get on board.
Windows will be open as long as the weather permits. Masks stay on!
When You Get to School
Parents, if you're driving your child to school, follow the one-way traffic pattern from last year. Enter via the upper parking lot, stop to let kids grades 4-12 off at the upper doors; continue around the school and, if you have children in grades preK-3, let them out at the lower doors. Exit the school campus on the lower side.
Students, you will have your temperature taken again when you first enter the school. If you have a fever of 100.4 or higher, or report any of the symptoms listed above, we must keep you away from other students and our staff, and ask your parents to come get you immediately.
If you develop any symptoms later in the day, again, we will have you wait in a room away from others and call the contacts your parents have listed.
Get Breakfast!
Class Time. At School or At Home, Join Us by 8 a.m.
Every day, secondary students will attend 5 classes starting at 8 a.m.
Students should join the class at the assigned time, whether you at home or at school.
We WILL take attendance.
Each class is 74 minutes long. Don't worry, teacher will mix things up keep it interesting!
Log In to Your Computer and Open Microsoft Teams
In Between Classes