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Lyle School District Bus Safety Rules


The mission of the Mid-Columbia Transportation Cooperative is to provide safe, responsible, and reliable transportation for all students.

All passengers will follow drivers' instructions. The driver is responsible for the safety of the bus and all passengers. When transporting classes or teams, the teacher or coach is primarily responsible for the students.

To create a safe and respectful environment, students must observe classroom conduct while riding on buses. Any behavior which jeopardizes the safety of students and/or the driver will be sufficient cause to begin progressive discipline which can include loss of bus riding privileges.

Students may ride their assigned bus only. If a student needs to ride to an alternate location, prior approval from the office must be obtained and there must be room on the bus. Any request to change the route or bus stop location will be reviewed by the Transportation Department.

Illustration showing safe loading areas around a bus and the "danger zone."

Getting on the Bus

  • Be ready at your stop and visible to the driver (out of parent's vehicle) at least 5 minutes before your bus is scheduled to arrive.
  • Stay on the sidewalk or shoulder of the road.
  • To prevent injury, students will follow safe loading/unloading procedures. Students must only cross at the front of the bus when directed to do so by the bus driver.
  • Wait in a straight line 10 feet from where the bus will stop.
  • Respect your neighbors by waiting quietly and not entering their property.
  • Wait until the bus stops, the doors open and the driver motions to you before you approach the bus.
  • Never run for the bus.
  • Stay in a single file line and load the bus in an orderly fashion.
  • Use the handrail when entering the bus.

Behavior While Riding the Bus

  • Students must sit on the seat, facing forward and have their back touching the rear of the seat.
  • When necessary students will have assigned seating.
  • Slide over to leave room for others.
  • Keep your arms and legs out of the aisle and your backpack on your lap.
  • Students may put windows down with driver permission. Students are responsible for putting their windows back up.
  • Keep your head, hands, and belongings inside the bus.
  • Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself, and refrain from teasing and using rude/obscene gestures or language.
  • Talk quietly with your seat buddy. Loud noises may distract your driver. Students must remain quiet at unmarked railroad crossings.
  • Conversations on the bus should remain kind and respectful.
  • Students must refrain from carrying or possessing any items that may cause injury to other passengers. Such items include sticks, breakable or glass containers, weapons or firearms, pins protruding clothing, bags, etc., skateboards or large bulky items. Flammables or illegal substances of any kind will not be allowed.
  • Electronics are a part of everyday life for students. Headphones must be used with all electronic equipment. The bus driver has the right to take away equipment. Just as a teacher would, that becomes a distraction or disruption on the bus. The district is not responsible for lost or damaged equipment.
  • Due to food allergies and choking hazards, eating and drinking on buses is not permitted. Students need to assist in keeping buses clean by not littering and taking their trash off the bus.
  • Eating, drinking and cell phone use is prohibited on the bus.
  • Animals are not allowed on the bus except for a preapproved service animal.

Getting off the Bus

  • To ensure their safety, all pre-K and Kindergarten students must be received by a parent/guardian at their bus stop. If a parent/guardian is not present or cannot be reached, the student will be taken back to the school office. Buses will not wait at bus locations for late students and/or late parents/guardians picking up students.
  • Students need to know their bus stop location.  Do not get off at a different stop without a bus pass.
  • Remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop and the door opens.
  • Enter the aisle one seat at a time and unload in an orderly fashion.
  • Always use the handrail when exiting the bus.
  • Immediately move at last 10 feet away from the bus.
  • If you are crossing, stand 10 feet in front of the bus and wait for the driver to motion.
  • Look both ways before crossing.
  • Never cross behind the bus.

 Know the Bus Danger Zone: 

  • The danger zone is 10 feet around the outside of the bus. Always stand where you can see the driver and the driver can see you.
  • When unloading, immediately move away from the bus and walk to your destination.
  • If crossing the street, stand at least 10 feet in front of the bus and wait for the driver to motion before crossing.
  • If something falls under or near the bus, tell the driver. Never try to pick it up yourself.

Emergency Preparedness:

  • Mid-Columbia Co-Op drivers perform two emergency bus evacuation drills with their students every year.
  • Drivers also provide verbal reminders of emergency evacuation procedures mid-year.
  • Safety equipment on the bus includes a fire extinguisher, body fluid clean-up kit, first aid kit, reflective triangles and a seat belt cutter.
  • School bus drivers have biennial Red Cross First Aid and CPR training.
  • Each bus is equipped with a two-way radio so drivers can communicate with the Transportation Supervisor or School Office in an emergency situation.
  • Our buses have 2,000 mile safety inspections done in a co-operative arrangement with the Mid-Columbia Co-Op.
  • Washington State Patrol performs inspections twice a year -- one a surprise inspection, the other a scheduled inspection.



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