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Google MapsPhysical Location: 625 Keasey Ave. / Mailing Address: P.O. Box 368 , Lyle, Wa 98635
Phone: School Office: (509) 365-2211 / Business Office: (509) 365-2191   Fax: (509) 365-2665

Welcome to Lyle Middle School and Lyle High School, located on the Lyle School District campus. 

We are a small school with a big heart for kids.

Lyle School District #406 is located in the Columbia River Gorge and serves the residents of Lyle, Dallesport, Appleton, High Prairie, Timber Valley, Murdock and the surrounding areas. Lyle School District offers a PreK-12 educational system for approximately 195 students throughout the school district.

Our creative and dedicated staff work hard to make sure students experience the benefits of a comprehensive school within the context of a small, rural school community. 

Secondary students have access to a rigorous core curriculum, band, choir, art, and career & technical education. 

Extracurricular athletics are available throughout the school year.


Classes begin at 8:30 AM and end at 3:30 PM daily except for every Wednesday, when we have a one-hour late start to allow professional development for teachers.


Every student in Lyle Schools is provided free meals, breakfast and lunch. A healthy breakfast is available in the cafeteria from 8:00-8:30 AM.

After-School Activities

There's also an after-school REACH program operated on our campus by the Educational Service District that provides additional learning opportunities and enrichment for our students in grades 2-5. REACH operates Monday - Thursday from 3:30 - 5:30 PM.


Transportation is provided before and after school daily. Regular bus routes can be found here, or by following the bus icon on the front page of the website, under the main photo slider.

Map of Lyle School District, showing director districts within districtContact Us

For all school, student, and principal needs, you can reach the main office by calling 509-365-2211. For all business, human resources, and superintendent needs, please dial extension 100. You can also monitor our website and Facebook/Instagram presence for updates and information.

Our Principal, Lori Smith, can be reached at or at the school office by 509-365-2211.

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