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Google MapsPhysical Location: 625 Keasey Ave. / Mailing Address: P.O. Box 368 , Lyle, Wa 98635
Phone: School Office: (509) 365-2211 / Business Office: (509) 365-2191   Fax: (509) 365-2665
About the School Board

School Board Provides Local Oversight of District Operations

"Governing our public schools is one of the most important responsibilities a citizen can undertake. School board members work on behalf of all the families in their community, with fellow board members and with other community partners, to ensure that each student has equal and ample opportunities to reach his or her greatest potential.
"Being a school director can be demanding, frustrating, and requires those who serve to struggle with complex issues and difficult choices. However, local school board service is also rewarding, as you watch students achieve and graduate from your schools with promising futures. By contributing your time and talents, you are helping create a positive future for children." ~ Courtesy of the Washington State School Directors Association
Board Policy 1005 says,
  • Vision: The board, with participation by the community, shall envision the future of the school district's educational program and formulate goals, define outcomes and set the course for the school district. This will be done within the context of racial, ethnic and religious diversity and with a commitment to education excellence and equity for all students.
  • Structure: To achieve the vision, the board will establish a structure which reflects local circumstances and creates an environment designed to ensure all students the opportunity to attain their maximum potential through a sound organizational framework. This includes employing a superintendent, developing and approving policies, formulating budgets, setting high instructional and learning goals for staff and students, and nurturing a climate conducive to continuous improvement.
  • Accountability: The board's accountability to the community will include adopting a system of continuous assessment of all conditions affecting education, including assessments for measuring staff and student progress towards goals. The public will be kept informed about programs and progress. Staff and board training will be provided to ensure continuous improvement of student achievement.
  • Advocacy: The board shall serve as education's key advocate on behalf of students and their schools. The board shall work to advance the community's vision for its schools, pursue the district's goals, encourage progress and energize systemic change and ensure that students are treated as whole persons in a diversified society.


In the Lyle School District, the board of directors (often referred to as the school board) are made up of three directors from a specific area of the district, and two directors -- seats 4 and 5 -- who represent the entire district, otherwise known as "at-large" directors. 
Meet the Lyle School District Board of Directors

Dan Smith, Seat 1

Oath of Office: 12/20/2023

Barbara Mills, Seat 2 


Oath of Office:

12/15/2021, 12/19/2017, and 2/20/2014

Traci Waddington, Seat 3

Board Chairperson

Oath of Office:

11/29/2023, 2/26/2020, and 8/21/2018

Marc Harvey, Seat 4

Legislative Liaison

Oath of Office:

11/29/2023 and 9/22/2021

Mark Vorce, Seat 5

Oath of Office:

11/29/2023, 2/26/2020, 1/22/2016, and 1/23/2014

Map of Lyle School District board directors' districts


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Lyle Schools Nondiscrimination Statement

Lyle School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employee has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights, Title IX, and Section 504 Coordinator, Lori Smith, 509-365-2211,; P.O. Box 368, Seventh and Keasey Streets, Lyle 98635-0368.

