The Homeless Information Page is designed to help identify homeless students within the Lyle School District. The reauthorized McKinney-Vento Act requires school districts to have processes in place to ensure educational access and success for students experiencing homelessness.
Resources for children/families.
If your family is living in any of the following, your child might be able to receive help through a federal law called the McKinney-Vento Act.
- in a shelter
- in a motel or campground due to the lack of an alternative adequate accommodation
- in a car, park, abandoned building, or bus or train station
- doubled-up with other people due to loss of housing or economic hardship
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act guarantees students the right to:
- receive a free, appropriate public education.
- enroll in school immediately, even if lacking documents normally required for enrollment.
- enroll in school and attend classes while the school gathers needed documents.
- enroll in the local school; or continue attending the school of origin (the school they attended when permanently housed or the school in which they were last enrolled), if that is your preference.
- *If the school district believes that the school you select is not in the best interest of your children, then the district must provide you with a written explanation of its position and inform you of your right to appeal its decision.
- receive transportation to and from the school of origin, if you request this.
- receive educational services comparable to those provided to other students, according to your children's needs.