Summer is coming up quickly and we think THIS might be the year that even our students are excited about Summer School.
Parents and guardians, if you're not exactly looking forward to having the kids home and under foot all summer long, pay attention: We've been planning our Summer School offerings and have some options for parents to consider.
The survey link below was emailed to parents yesterday, but if you ignored it, here's another chance. We need to know which program you are interested in having your child attend, which weeks and what times of day work best for your family.
Summer school is for kids who need to work on credit recovery, while Summer Jumpstart is designed to help kids get ready for the coming school year. Students will work on activities for 2-3 weeks that will help them get off to a strong start in the grade they will be in next year. Plus, kids will be engaged in some fun activities.
We'll provide the transportation and feed them a snack or light meal, too.
Please help us plan a program that benefits as many of our students as possible. Complete the survey at the link below by next Tuesday, April 27. Thanks!