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Home Health Check

My parents check me for COVID-19 symptoms at home, especially on scheduled at-school learning days.

  • They take temperature and record it 100.2 or above? STAY HOME!

The following may also be symptoms of COVID-19. Again, stay home.

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

If I am symptom free and it's an at-school learning day, I will get dressed, grab my laptop and folder, and head for the bus stop. 

Catch the Bus

  • At the bus stop, I wear my mask and stand six feet apart from other students waiting.
  • I get on the bus and sit in my assigned seat.
  • I keep my mask on.
  • My bus windows are open. If it's raining hard, they are open just a little bit.
  • I don't move around the bus. My seat is assigned to keep me close to people who wait at the bus stop with me. Riders who get on earlier sit closer to the back of the bus.
  • I follow the bus rules.
  • We get off the bus starting with the people in the front. We don't crowd or push and we wait for our turn.
  • On the way home, I sit in the same seat, wear my mask and follow the rules!

Arrive at School

  • Parents: If you're driving your child to school, follow the one-way traffic pattern from last year.  Enter via the upper parking lot, stop to let kids grades 4-12 off at the upper doors; continue around the school and, if you have children grades preK-3, let them out at the lower doors. Exit the school campus on the lower side.
  • I'm wearing my mask correctly when I get out of the car or bus.
  • If someone drives me to school, I wait outside the doors until the paraeducators open them to let us come in.
  • I have my temperature taken near the door.
  • I enter the designated entrance, staying 6 feet away from other students.
  • I clean my hands with hand sanitizer.
  • I walk to my classroom and get a warm welcome from my teacher!
  • I put  my coat and backpack in my bin or cubby.
  • I sit down at my desk and listen to my teacher.
  • My breakfast is delivered to the room.

Morning Meeting

  • I sit in my desk and keeps lots of space between me and my classmates.
  • Our classmates who are learning at home today join us on Teams.
  • We go over the schedule for the day and my teacher makes sure I have everything I need to learn.
  • We practice reading.
  • We write about what we are reading. If I need to use a laptop/Chromebook, I use the same one every day.
  • We stay in our seats while we discuss our reading, whether we are in small groups or all together. 
  • If I need to get up or go to the bathroom, I follow the directions my teacher gave us. I always wear my mask.

 Recess and Lunch

  • I clean my hands before lunch and after we go out to play.
  • Lunch is brought to our room and I eat at my desk.
  • Our class goes out for recess after lunch, going a special route to the playground so we don't pass other students in the hallway.
  • We keep our masks on outside.
  • We have lots of room to run and play, but right now we need to stay off of the playtoy.

Afternoon Learning Block

  • Math time! We each get our own plastic bag of manipulatives. We don't share.
  • We demonstrate our thinking using white boards and chart paper so other students can see it from their seats and at home.
  • We use Seesaw to help our math learning and prepare us for demonstrating our thinking when we are working from home.
  • Our teacher makes sure we understand the strategies and get to articulate our thinking as we problem-solve together.
  • We also learn about art, science and social studies in ways that are interesting and safe.

Music, Art, P.E., Library

  • Each day, we have music or P.E. Our music teacher comes to our classroom. We learn about different types of music from around the world. Sometimes we get to make our own instruments to use!
  • Our P.E. teacher sometimes has class outside and sometimes in the gym.  We don't use a lot of equipment right now, but we have a lot of fun and use our muscles!

Wrapping Up our Day

  • My teacher explains the schedule for the next four days and how we are applying what we learned today.
  • I have my weekly planner filled out so my adults at home know what I am supposed to work on, too.
  • I pack my laptop, papers and supplies in my backpack and put it on.
  • I clean my hands with sanitizer.
  • I stand by or sit down at my desk while my teacher dismisses the class one by one.
  • If someone is supposed to pick me up, my teacher takes me to the doors to wait for them.

How my School Keeps Me Safe All Day

  • There are only five people in each room.
  • Movement is scheduled so that students are not in hallways at at doors at the same time.
  • Students eat breakfast and lunch in classrooms.
  • Students learn and practice safety routine and frequent hand washing.
  • Students have individual spaces or containers for belongings.
  • The school has signs and markings to help students follow safety procedures.
  • Students use their own assigned supplies and are told not to share. (The school has purchased supplies for students).
  • Social-emotional needs are recognized and monitored.

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