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January 28, 2021
Dear Cougar Families
I want to let you know that a staff person at Lyle School has tested positive for COVID-19.
Our administrative team is working closely with the Klickitat County Health Department to identify anyone who might have had close contact with the individual who tested positive. If anyone is identified as a close contact, they will receive a phone call in addition to this letter, with information on required actions and support resources. If you do not receive a phone call, then your child has not been identified as a close contact and his or her risk of infection is low.
Symptoms of COVID-19
Even if your child is not identified as having close contact with the positive individual, we encourage you to watch for any symptoms of COVID-19. This is true at all times. Those symptoms can include any of the following and may appear two to 14 days after exposure:
What should I do now?
While many of these symptoms may be caused by other conditions such as allergies, the health department recommends having your child evaluated by a medical professional if any of these symptoms develop in the next 14 days. If your child develops symptoms, please email me or call me at 509-365-2211, extension 119. Your child should also remain in quarantine and you should reach out to your medical provider for evaluation and testing.
If your child is not identified as a close contact and has no COVID-19 symptoms, testing is not recommended and the risk of infection is low. Simply having a case of COVID-19 at the school does not require any restrictions unless you experience COVID-19 symptoms or have tested positive for COVID-19.
Based on this information, if you have specific concerns about your child or would like to keep your child home out of an abundance of caution, please contact us so your child can be transitioned to remote learning. Call 509-365-2211, extension 120, or email
The reason we have been able to operate safely -- as we have the past 5 months -- is due to scrupulously following all current public health guidance all current public health guidance, which is outlined here: We have especially emphasized hand-washing, sanitizing surfaces, physical distancing and wearing masks. Parents have been reminded to not send students to school if families have traveled, if they have visited with others, or they have any symptoms that could be COVID-19. We also have sent students and staff home when they displayed any sign of illness.
Every measure we take must meet these guidelines to protect the health and safety of our students, staff and entire school community. We will continue to keep you informed about any actions required by you or measures we are implementing to protect students, staff and families.
If you have further questions about COVID-19, consult your healthcare provider or contact the Washington State Department of Health by visiting Or call the Washington State COVID-19 Assistance Hotline at 1-800-525-0127.
Lori Smith, Principal
Traducción Española: Este es un documento importante sobre la salud de su hijo/a. Si usted necesita esta información en otro idioma, por favor contacte Yelli Boots at 509-310-9589 que este documento sea traducido sin costo para usted.
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